Consequences of a wrong doctrine of the Trinity


The Jehovah's Witness or Watchtower doctrine is a revival of the Arian heresy of the fourth century AD. Arianism taught that Jesus is a created being, and is not eternal as is God the Father. Therefore the Watchtower Society, and those who have split off from them without denouncing their Arian doctrine, hold that Jesus is a god in the same way that the demonic forces are spoken of in the Bible as gods; all are created beings, but not equal to the one true God, YHWH.

Danger of worshipping other gods

Christians, contrary to the Arians and those who have followed them, believe that the term YHWH in the Hebrew Bible (OT) refers to the blessed Trinity, which is why Jesus could apply the shorter version of the divine name to Himself in John 8:58: "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." The following verses warn of the consequences of worshipping any god other than the "I AM" of the Hebrew Bible:

These verses show the consequence of worshipping a 'god' with a small 'g' who is not the true God. All who do such will perish eternally. Now, according to the Watchtower Society, following their prophets Charles Taze Russell and Samuel Rutherford, those of us who believe that Jesus is worthy of our worship, and we, without reservation, fully worship Him, are worshipping a god with a small 'g'--a created god. We therefore are going to perish eternally.

Should we care about the doctrine of God?

For those of you who care about me and my eternal destiny, can't you show me my error in worshipping 'a god' (Jesus, in the Arian scheme) who is not truly God, so that I won't perish eternally, according to texts just above and the teachings of the Watchtower Society that Jesus is just 'a god'? Don't you care enough about me to try to show me my error? Or is it nothing to you that, according to your doctrine, I am eternally doomed? Where is your compassion if you will not do this?

Now consider how I view this, according to my belief, i.e. the Christian belief. I really care about you. I really believe what the Lord Jesus, inspired by the divine Holy Spirit, says in John 5:23. Let's consider this seriously. The Jews were angry with Jesus because they realized, by forgiving the sins of the paralytic, he was "making Himself equal with God" (Jn 5:18). The reply of Jesus, vv. 22, 23: "The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, [compare Isa 2:4 and Isa 33:22, where YHWH is the judge of all mankind] that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father."

I, as a Christian, honor the Son just as I honor the Father. I do not honor Him as a "representative" of the Father; that would not be the same as giving the same honor that I give the Father. The honor spoken of in John 5:23 necessarily includes unashamed worship, otherwise it is not the same as the honor given to the First Person of the blessed Trinity. Worship that is due the only one true God, as is spoken of YHWH the Trinity in the verses cited above: Deut 8:19, Deut 30:15-18, Jer 13:10, Jer 25:10, and Matt 4:10. In my worship of the Lord Jesus, I am not worshipping a god with a small 'g', a created god. To do so would result in my eternal ruin, according to the Scriptures listed above. But the Watchtower (Arian) doctrine is that Jesus is a created god, a god with a small 'g'. Therefore I am subject to all the penalties spoken of in the Scripture that will come to someone who worships any created being. Does not the JW (Watchtower/Arian) doctrine teach that I am destined to eternal destruction for doing so, if that doctrine is right? And, if anyone so believes, they can't accept me as a "fellow Christian," but must believe that I am a heretic destined for eternal destruction. If you are a person that believes like this, don't you care enough to show me the error of my ways, so that I can have the eternal life that Jesus promises to those who believe in Him? Please! Show it to me from the Scripture!.

The Importance of what Jesus said in John 5:23, 24

Now let’s turn this around. I, as a Christian holding Christian beliefs, have to take seriously what Jesus said in John 5:23, 24, that, if you do not honor the divine Son of God just as you honor the Father, then the Father, whom Arians equate with YHWH, will not accept your worship. Jesus says here that your worship is useless. Some raise the specious argument that they are "honoring" Jesus by accepting Him as the 'representative' of the Father, but that is not what Jesus says in these verses: He says that the only honor He receives is when the same honor is given to Him as is given to the Father. A half-way "honoring" Jesus as a 'representative' will not gain you the eternal life that is promised to all who believe that He is who He said He is, the "I AM" that appeared to Moses in the burning bush (Jn 8:58, Exod 3:14).

Rom 10:9, "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." In this verse "Lord" is not "a lord"; it means "Lord" as given throughout the NT, where it refers to the divine Trinity, and is everywhere used in speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you, as an Arian, believe that? If not, according to this verse, you cannot be saved. What do you think Jesus meant when He said, John 8:24, "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I AM you will die in your sins”? Not "I am He"; there is no "He" in the Greek. The Jews understood what He was claiming; that's why they took up stones to kill Him for blasphemy, that He claimed to be God in the language that they would have understood.

I care greatly about that. That’s why I'm writing these things for any, in our day, who hold to the Arian doctrine. If you're still convinced that I'm wrong, and that I'm worshipping a god with a small 'g', then, if you care about what the word of God says about the eternal consequences of worshipping a created god, will you please do everything in your power to convince me that I am wrong and do not understand the Scripture properly? And to convince me that, instead, I should take the position of Russell and Rutherford (despite their many false prophecies), that Jesus is a created being. And to worship a created being will result in being eternally lost—that's what the Scriptures say. Do you not care enough to do this so I won't be eternally lost because I worshipped a created being?

Do you care, or do you have other issues you think are more important?

I care enough about the issue, and you and your families, to write this for your eternal benefit. If you think I am wrong in worshipping the Lord Jesus just as I worship the Father and the blessed Holy Spirit, shouldn't you, if you care anything at all about my eternal destiny, attempt to show me from the Scripture the error of my way, and the error of all Christians who hold to the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity? If you continue in your Arianism and fail to take this step, it shows you do not have the love of God in you that would make you care about the eternal destiny of another human being. How could you claim to be a true servant of God and fail to take such a step?